Connection with colleagues, empowerment, driving positive change
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Newsletter January 2024
Welcome to our January newsletter! Dive into an uplifting New Year's message from our Chair, explore our ambitious plans for International Women's Day 2024 and read how to pave the way for a diverse STEM research environment.
Dear colleagues, 

As we embark on this new year, I invite you to share my vision of change and progress. My dream is bold but achievable: to be the best technical university in the Netherlands, not only in terms of academic excellence, but also as a beacon of gender diversity, equality and inclusion.  

When we recognise that the strength of our community lies in the richness of its diversity, we are on the way. By fostering a diverse environment where every voice is heard we can unleash a reservoir of innovation and creativity that will take us to new heights. 

Let us commit to creating pathways for everyone to thrive, breaking down barriers and challenging stereotypes. Achieving equality is not just a goal, it's a shared responsibility. Together, we can change the culture and set an example for other universities to follow. 

As we move forward, let us celebrate our differences, learn from each other and empower every member of our community to reach their full potential. In doing so, we will not only enhance the academic excellence of our institution, but also contribute to a more inclusive and just world. 

May this year bring significant progress in the areas of gender diversity, equality and inclusion, and inspire positive change both within and beyond our university.”

Professor Zofia Lukszo, DEWIS Chair
Join us for exciting upcoming activities!
DEWIS is organising a number of exciting events in the coming months! At DEWIS, we are dedicated to fostering an inspiring and supportive community, and we invite you to be a part of these engaging gatherings:

    1. Mothers in Science lunch event - February 26th
      As part of our ongoing commitment to fostering a diverse, inclusive and supportive academic community at TU Delft, we are pleased to invite you to the third event in our series focused on academic parents. This time we are honoured to welcome Isabel Torres from Mothers of Science, a leading global nonprofit advocating for mothers in STEMM and creating evidence-based solutions to promote workplace equity and inclusion of parents and caregivers. More information and registration will follow soon. 

    2. Lunch with Confidential Persons - March 4th
      Get to know the confidential advisors and understand their role in ensuring a safe and supportive atmosphere at TU Delft. Participate in open dialogue, sharing thoughts and experiences to build trust with our confidential advisors. Learn about the support they can provide in navigating challenges. Ask questions regarding confidentiality, procedures, or related concerns. Discuss social safety at TU Delft and explore topics relevant to community well-being. Registration will open soon. 

    3. International Women’s Day 2024 - March 8th
      Join us for an inspiring and empowering celebration of International Women's Day as we come together under the theme "One World, Thousand Women" with a special focus on sustainability. We will explore the unique diversity of women in science and discover the common experiences that unite us in the pursuit of a more sustainable world. Renowned climate advocate Ralien Bekkers will share her ongoing efforts to advance ambitious climate action, with a particular focus on mainstreaming gender equality and broader social inclusion considerations. We are honored to have Esther Mollema, a renowned speaker and leader in inclusive leadership development, as one of our distinguished guests. Her extensive research and commitment to women's empowerment has left an indelible mark, having trained and empowered over 8,000 women to date. More information and registration will follow soon.

    4. Spring Networking Dinner - April 11th
      Join us for a Spring Networking Dinner with special guest Margreet van Rixtel. We invite you to take this opportunity to network and be inspired by Margreet van Rixtel's wealth of experience. What sets her apart is her expertise in unravelling the complexities of political force fields and creating perspectives that resonate with those committed to making a meaningful impact in their respective fields. 
Leila Alizadehsaravi 2023 DEWIS Award Winner
The 2023 DEWIS Award goes to Leila Alizadehsaravi, in recognition of her outstanding contributions to diversity and inclusion within our academic community! In her role as a postdoctoral researcher, Leila has demonstrated an exceptional commitment to diversity and inclusion. Leila has been instrumental in driving positive change by actively working to improve equality and diversity practices. Her unwavering commitment to empowering under-represented groups, with a particular focus on women, serves as an inspiration to all members of our academic community! 

We are also immensely proud of the outstanding efforts that the other two nominees, Medina Bandic, a PhD candidate in Quantum & Computer Engineering Department from the Faculty of EEMCS and Grazia Bastasin, Program manager at QuTech Academy and Diversity and Inclusion Officer at QuTech. To learn more about Leila's activities and those of the other nominees, please visit our website for detailed information on their impactful initiatives.
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LNVH | Women Professors Monitor 2023
In December 2023, the LNVH Women Professors Monitor was presented. The average percentage of women professors at universities in the Netherlands is 27.6%. The TU Delft continues to lag behind with a below average increase of 0.4 percentage points from 17.7 % to 18.1 %.  With a growth of 0.9 percentage points in this Monitor, we do not surpass last year's record low. The sector must and can do better. Therefore, the LNVH - together with Athena's Angels - advocates for a new boost, similar to the Westerdijk Talent Impulse (read more about these plans on page 10 of the Monitor).
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Results D&I survey employees
The Executive Board announced the results of the D&I survey, which was conducted in September 2022 with 1582 staff members participating. While the majority of participants believe that diversity enriches our academic environment, there are concerns, with participants reporting that colleagues are sometimes excluded. The Board urges all colleagues, in their various roles and positions, to actively contribute to fostering a more inclusive environment. The D&I Office's recommendations and survey results are summarised in a report that is available to the TU Delft community. If you have any comments or concerns about the findings and recommendations, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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How to foster psychological safety in academia
The conversation cards, How to Foster Psychological Safety in Academia, are developed by the LNVH (Dutch Network of Women Professors) as a conversation starter on psychological safety. The cards are based on the KNAW advisory report ‘Social Safety in Dutch Academia. From Paper to Practice’ (2022) and are designed to help us delve deeper into psychological safety, to understand diverse perspectives, to reflect on our thoughts, actions and leadership responsibilities, and to collectively contribute to finding solutions with regard to tackling undesirable behavior. We have cards available in our office, so let us know if you would like a deck. 
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Paving the path for a diverse 
STEM-research environment 
enabling world class research 
and education
A Danish STEM research collaboration, launched in autumn 2022, aimed to analyse the barriers, explore the potentials and co-create interventions to improve gender diversity in STEM research and education. This report presents the preliminary results of the collaboration, providing insights into the nuanced understanding of the challenges and proposing concrete ideas to foster a more inclusive and diverse STEM research environment in Denmark.
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Join the DEWIS Sounding Board
Passionate about gender equality? Join our DEWIS Sounding Board and help shape a more inclusive university. Get involved in activities to raise awareness of gender issues, influence academic policy and more. We're looking for a diverse board across all faculties and encourage a four-year commitment. Your voice matters! For more information, contact
Join us in driving positive change!
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3 interesting reads
  1. How Leaders Fake Psychological Safety – Harvard Business Review – December 5, 2023
  2. The downside to women academics’ ethical publishing choices – University World News – December 2, 2023
  3. Sexism in academia is bad for science and a waste of public funding Nature – November 27, 2023 
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