Nominate your colleague(s) for the DEWIS AWARD!
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Newsletter October 2023 
In this edition Assistant Professor Aimée Sakes and Professor DirkJan Veeger share their ideas regarding work and caregiving in an interview. You can nominate your colleague(s) for the DEWIS AWARD or spark a dialogue about diversity and inclusion with available cards and games. 
Nominate your colleague(s) for the DEWIS AWARD! 
Yearly, DEWIS is presenting the DEWIS Award to the employee (all gender identities) or group who makes an exceptional contribution to gender diversity, equity and inclusion at TU Delft.

Since 2007, DEWIS handed out a yearly DEWIS-award for very talented female PhD students. The aim of the DEWIS-award changed, to make it more in line with what DEWIS stands for. And since 2020, the DEWIS Award has been given for a recognition of an individual or a group that has made an extraordinary contribution to realising an inclusive work environment and to increasing gender equity and gender diversity at TU Delft.
The reward prize is 1000 euro

The 2023 DEWIS Award is presented by the Vice-Rector Magnificus during the annual DEWIS Symposium in December. 

Nominations are due 1 November 2023
f.l.t.r. Marije Severs, Nitesh Bharosa, Ingrid Mulder, Babette Pouwels, Just Herder, Ivy Koopmans, Giorgia Giardina, Josephine Vos
Lookback DEWIS Diversity Week Event 2023

The 2023 Diversity Week gave us the opportunity to discuss Gender Diversity, Work and Caregiving at TU Delft. 
Gender diversity in business
The Netherlands is lagging behind with a part-time working culture and a gender pay gap wider than in many other EU countries. Women in company boards are growing, but very slowly. According to
Ivy Koopmans, programme leader Diversity and Inclusion at the Social and Economic Council (SER), gender quotas and targets work for gender equality but do not automatically lead to gender equality and inclusion in a broader sense. There is no ‘silver bullet’. Babette Pouwels, owner of Pouwels research & consultancy agency shared pitfalls and hurdles. Decoupling dynamics create a gap between gender equality policies and practices. Integrated bundles of top-down and bottom-up practices can help avoid decoupling. Pouwels emphasized the importance of co-creating with internal actors in order for policies to work. 

Redesigning academia
Panel members Nitesh Bharosa, Just Herder, Marije Severs and Babette Pouwels discussed how to improve work culture, the new recognition and rewards system and caregiving responsibilities with the audience. Some interesting thought provoking ideas were posited. Stop fixing the women by 'offering mentoring programs for women to adapt to the masculine system'. One participants went a step further by saying: 'Maybe we should redesign academia in an inclusive manner.' Just Herder emphasized the value of caregivers for society and thus our organization.  

Nanny Service: 1st time in TU Delft history!
For the first time in the history of the TU Delft, a Nanny Service was organized at an event, so parents could attend and network during the drinks reception. Theatre company PLANKGAS closed the event with a light-hearted performance about work and caregiving (See youtube video below). 

Missed it? Read on: (DELTA)
Parents and caregivers: an interview with Aimée Sakes and DirkJan Veeger
DEWIS is talking with scientists with caregiving responsibilities, and we aim to start a dialogue around how we can make changes within the TU Delft to support those scientists who are also parents. 

In this interview we talk with Aimée Sakes, Assistant Professor at the Department of Biomechanical Engineering at the Faculty of 3mE and her supervisor Professor DirkJan Veeger at the Department of Biomechanical Engineering at the Faculty of 3mE. Aimee received Veni funding from the Dutch Research Council (NWO) in August for her research on catheter technology. DirkJan is the former Department Chair and Director of Education at the Faculty of 3mE.
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Managers should embrace (future and current) parents and create an atmosphere within the department in which parenthood is a part of life, including work life.
  - DirkJan Veegers  
I think there should be more support for fathers who want to take parental leave or who have to take care of their sick wife and baby during maternity leave. There are still too many preconceptions about men with caregiving responsibilities.
  - Aimée Sakes  
Are you an international? 
As an (international) employee, it might be difficult to find the right information to suit your situation as a parent. There are a number of topics on this page that may be of interest to you.

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5 interesting reads

  1. Gendergeweld in de academie is lonend voor daders’ - ScienceGuide 2 oktober 2023
  2. Bij UU-promoties dragen vanaf vandaag niet alleen hoogleraren een toga - DUB 29 september 2023
  3. The road to equality: how do we make social systems in organisations more inclusive? - September 6, 2023
  4. Action Collaborative on Preventing Sexual Harassment in Higher Education - NASEM 
  5. FEM UM Citation Guide - Female Empowerment Maastricht University
LNVH Conversation Cards Psychological Safety
The Dutch Network of Women Professors (LNVH) developed a set of conversation cards, designed to contribute to positive change within the academic community. These conversation cards, inspired by and based on the KNAW advisory report ‘Social Safety in Dutch Academia. From Paper to Practice’ (2022), are designed to help us delve deeper into psychological safety, to understand diverse perspectives, to reflect on our thoughts, actions and leadership responsibilities, and to collectively contribute to finding solutions with regard to tackling undesirable behaviour. 

order a set of conversation cards
The Dilemma Game
How would you react to someone making an offensive remark about your country of origin? What would you do when someone disrespects your privacy? What would you say when your manager repeatedly treats your colleague with patronising behaviour? These situations may very well sound familiar to you, either from your professional or your private life. To make sure we treat each other with respect and dignity, it is important to be open about issues and to create a safe space for a constructive dialogue. The Dilemma Game can help with that.
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Virtual coffee (13): DiversAbility
Have you ever heard of the term neurodiversity? Neurodiversity describes the idea that people experience and interact with the world around them in many different ways. Would you like to know more about neurodiversity and how it affects collaboration and communication?

You are cordially invited to join us on Wednesday 15th of November from 12.30 – 13.30 hr at our 13th Virtual Coffee and meet Drs. Mireille Howard-Snels, Senior Policy and Quality Assurance Officer at the Faculty of 3mE and the initiator of the Employee Network DiversAbility, the network for employees with a chronic disease, mental or physical disability. Click here to join the meeting

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Anti-Bias Lunch Breaks 

In this ENHANCE learning offer you can visit this low-threshold training about implicit bias during your lunch break. It takes only 60 minutes. This short training will give you the effective tools that you need to manage your implicit biases. The dates are 2nd, 13th and 21st Nov from 12.00 to 13.00 CET. Dates and registration

More ENHANCE learning offers: 
Privacy Matters, Influence Happens - by RWTH Aachen
Power Games in Gender Relations - by RWTH Aachen

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