A special about Parenting, Caregiving and Academia
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Newsletter June 2023
In this special edition, you can read all about Parenting in Academia. We highlight the series of DEWIS events 'Parenting and Caregiving' and the interviews with several parents (m/f) who have different scientific positions at TU Delft. We also give you a glance back of the 2023 DEWIS Networking Diner and a snapshot of the 2023 IWD.
When I got pregnant during my PhD studies, I was privileged with a supportive promotor. His attitude was very clear: becoming a parent is a fact of life. He supported me in my wish that my children could attend my PhD defence. The youngest was two. I remember my son walking towards me and a family member picked him under his raised arms. All the committee members loved it!
  - Zofia Lukszo, Prof. Smart Energy Systems and DEWIS Chair  
Parents and caregivers in academia
Family caregiving is part of the fabric of life. Many scientists (m/f) have children or are starting a family at the same time as maintaining and building a career. Juggling teaching, publishing, finding a new (or permanent) job, relocating, attending conferences, and actually doing research sometimes requires more hours in the day than exist. So, how do colleagues combine this with parenting? What challenges do parents face in the different job levels? Where do they find support? What can parents learn from each other? And what can the organisation do to create a more inclusive working environment where parents can grow and flourish in their careers?

DEWIS is talking with scientists (m/f) with caregiving responsibilities, and we aim to start a dialogue to support the working lives of colleagues who also have off-campus parenting and/or caring responsibilities. 

On 22 May, we organized our first Parenting Networking Lunch session. We discussed the challenges (future and current) parents experience when pursuing an academic career, shared positive experiences and formulated suggestions for different internal stakeholders. The most important suggestion was to create a support structure, including guidelines for supervisors and event organizers.
Because of the overwhelming interest for the session, we have decided to organize more sessions and continue to do so. This also contributes to the need for a networking community for academic parents. The second session will on 23 June. However, this session is already fully booked. The third session will be organized after the summer, so your eye open for the invitation. 

Valuable links to be found on intranet from the HR-presentation: 
Other important information:
My biggest challenge was the absence of a fixed work structure. The initial months were particularly challenging - I was tired, could not focus, and felt a decline in my productivity, which led to a lot of stress and uncertainty about my work. ..., if it were not for my understanding and supportive supervisors, I cannot even begin to imagine how difficult it would have been.
  - Antragama Ewa Abbas, PhD researcher TPM  
Experiences shared: two PhD candidates share their story
Antragama Abbas is a PhD researcher at the faculty of TPM and has a new-born son of four months old. Raquel Hädrich Silva is from Brazil and is a PhD researcher at the faculty of Arch+BE and has a 2-year-old boy. They both share their touching story of coming back to work after parental and maternity leave and their valuable insights on how they regained rythmn. As you can read in the interview they both empathesize the importance of supportive supervisors.

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My first goal is to help the parent to enjoy this new phase in life. What’s needed for that depends on the situation, so it’s important to discuss that openly. Offer your support, be kind and flexible. Often, PhD students worry about their planning. Here, I try to help by being realistic and pragmatic. It’s no use to stick to an unfeasible planning and add more pressure. But it’s also not good to postpone tasks in ways that create problems later. All about balancing here!
  - Mark de Reuver, Associate Professor at TPM  
Three parents talk with DEWIS 
Our colleagues share their -often not noticed- challenges about being a parent in academia. How they are looking for new ways to deal with them, the best possible way to thrive in their work and their ideas on what it means to be a family welcoming university. We talked to Samuel Kernan Freire, PhD-student at the faculty of IDE, Ema Gusheva, PhD-student at the faculty of TPM and Michal Shemesh, Operational Manager at the faculty of Applied Sciences. Each person is in a different situation and therefor has different needs. 

Foto: Michal and her children. 
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Inclusion means having a mind-set in the working environment where parenting is accepted as an important part of life. Accept mothers bringing their babies to conferences. Plan social events when parents are available.
  - Michal Shemesh  
4 interesting reads
  1. The relationship between parenting engagement and academic performance, Nature Scientific Reports, Dec 2022
  2. What parents need to succeed in academia and how universities can help, Times Higher Education, March 2022
  3. How parenthood contributes to gender gaps in academia, eLife, July 2022
  4. The unequal impact of parenthood in academia, Science, Feb. 2021
Family Care Community @TUD: Interested? 
During the DEWIS session 'Parenting and Caregiving' on 22 May, many colleagues expressed their desire for a networking community of academic parents at TU Delft. The members of the community can offer support to each other by sharing services and resources and give care through listening and having concern for each other. 
Would you like to join a Family Care Community? Please answer the three questions in the survey.  
short survey
Glance back DEWIS Networking Diner 2023
Over fifty women scientists from all faculties of TU Delft joined our yearly Spring Networking Diner last month. Many made new connections during this inspiring evening. Great things can happen if women in science support and empower each other.

Role models “teach” others how to live a life of integrity, optimism and determination, and inspire us how to reach our goals. Sometimes role models are not far away. Our DEWIS Chair, Prof.dr.ir. Zofia Lukszo, talked about her role models and shared this beautiful quote: “Never to Give Up. Trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is Love and Inspiration you cannot go wrong”. Dr. Claudia Werker reminded us to think about our female family lines. The women who gone before us can teach us great lessons.

Thank you all for joining us! You all made it a lovely evening.
We hope to see all of you and many more next year!
#networking #womeninscience
LNVH Spring Symposium: The Ideal Academy
The Dutch Network of Women Professors invites you to its annual Spring Symposium on Monday, June 19th 2023 between 12h00 and 18h00 CET. We are excited to come together at science museum NEMO in Amsterdam and offer you a program filled with interesting and inspiring speeches and discussions. 

This year's theme is 'The Ideal Academy'. What does the ideal academy look like? What should change or stay the same? These and many more engaging questions will be discussed throughout the afternoon, while focusing on gender specific elements. 
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Save-the-Date: Diversity Week Event
On 5 October 2023 in the afternoon, DEWIS is organizing an event to celebrate the Diversity Week at TU Delft. 

During the first part Ivy Koopmans, Programme manager Diversity en Inclusion at SER (Sociaal-Economische Raad), en Babette Pouwels, owner of bureau Pouwels, will talk to us about gender diversity and equity in organisations, what academia can learn from business and about work and caregiving. After the panel discussion, it is our pleasure to announce that the theatre group PLANKGAS will perform several interactive sketches about parenting, caregiving and pursuing an academic career. 

more information will follow 
Jantien Stoter
Merel Vercammen and Dina Ivanova
Rob Mudde
International Women’s Day
On 8 March 2023, DEWIS organized the second celebration of International Women's Day at TU Delft with the theme #EmbraceEquity. Many shared their thoughts on TU Delft website and social channels and on the day itself DEWIS organized an afternoon event. We are grateful for the many appreciative responses we have had. We are looking forward to an even more inspiring and empowering IWD 2024! Let us know if you have any ideas or would like contribute in any way.

Note 8 March 2024 in your agenda!
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Activities upcoming Academic Year
  • Training 'How to Survive Academia' for Postdocs and Assistant Professors in September
  • Parenting and Caregiving session three and maybe four
  • 'Delft Women’s Conversations: Sharing Experiences about academic life' at the remaining four faculties (AE, CEG, TPM, EEMCS)
  • Sounding board meeting in October
  • Diversity Week Event, 5 October 2023
  • 2023 DEWIS Symposium and DEWIS Award in November 
  • One-day training for Associate Professors and Full Professors in October / November
  • Mentoring Event in November / December
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We are looking for mentors
The DEWIS Mentoring Program is designed to support the career progression and development of female academic staff. The program facilitates mentoring relationships which provide women with opportunities to reflect on and grow their leadership capabilities, build professional skills and more effectively navigate TU Delft. 
More about mentoring
Good Summer
The DEWIS Office will be closed from 8 July until 20 August 2021. The DEWIS board whishes everybody a very good summer holiday.
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