Join us on 8 March, International Women's Day 2023!
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Newsletter March 2023
Read an interview with our new DEWIS Chairperson, Professor Zofia Lukszo and the upcoming celebrations on International Women's Day 2023! Meet our confidential persons during a lunch meeting in March and read about our visits to the faculties where we have conversations with women about working conditions, gender bias and career developments. . 
My dream is to be the best (technical) university in the Netherlands with regard to gender diversity, equity and inclusion.
  - Prof. Zofia Lukszo, DEWIS Chair  
Introducing our new Chairperson: Zofia Lukszo
In this interview, we talk to the new DEWIS Chairperson: Zofia Lukszo, Professor of Smart Energy Systems at the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management.
Zofia has been a DEWIS board member for several years now and we are very grateful that she has accepted the call to be our new DEWIS Chairperson. In this interview, you can read about her vision with regard to gender equality, diversity and inclusion. What are her ideas and ambitions for TU Delft? And what is her message to the women in science at TU Delft?

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International Women's Day 2023: #EmbraceEquity
On 8 March 2023, we are celebrating International Women's Day at TU Delft. On this day and beyond, let's all fully #Embrace Equity

With a glorious programme, Merel Vercammen and Dina Invanova, will take you into the world of great female composers. The Omdenken Show will show you in an ultimate mix of theatre, cabaret and performance how you can look at reality differently. In a panel conversation with among others, Marien van der Meer, VPO TUD, and Caspar Chorus, Dean of IDE, we will investigate the what, how and why of gender equity. Rob Mudde, VRM/VPE TUD, will give an opening talk on equity for this day and beyond. 


more information and registration
IWD2023: Stories of Science
Role models are extremely important: women in STEM role models are needed to encourage females into STEM careers. Females who have women in STEM role models show more of an interest in pursuing a STEM career compared to those who do not. 
Especially for International Women's Day 2023, we have made a special selection of stories from our Women in Science. 

view the collection
Meet the confidential advisors
DEWIS organizes lunch meetings with the confidential advisors on a regular basis. Get to know our confidential advisors and find out what they can do for you.
Ask any questions relating to academic integrity, social integrity or organisational integrity. Or just meet them while having a nice lunch. 

Date: 13 March 2023, 13.00 - 14.00 hr
Location: Aula, Commissiekamer 3
For whom: Women of TU Delft


Delft Women’s Conversations: Sharing Experiences about academic life at Applied Sciences (AS)
This meeting is part of a series of meetings that DEWIS is organizing at every faculty. The first meeting was held at the faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment. After Civil Engineering and Geosciences and Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering (3mE), the faculty of Applied Sciences is the fourth faculty. The aim of the workshops is to give voice to the women and to create awareness about the mechanisms regarding gender inequalities and imbalances and to see how the sharing of experiences and observations can benefit our understanding. We talk about working conditions, career advancement and gender bias. Prof. Marileen Dogterom is our guest speaker on the 29th. 

Date: 29 March 2023, 12.45 - 14.00 hr
Location: 58 Applied Sciences, Kronigzaal
For Whom: Women scientist from  Applied Sciences (AS)


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Mothers in Science - Action plan for funding agencies 
Mothers in Science, an international nonprofit organisation that advocates for mothers in STEMM, created an action plan to urge research funders worldwide to promote inclusion of caregivers and close the gender gap in research funding. The action plan outlines a set of strategies to eliminate unconscious bias in the grant evaluation process, ensure an equitable distribution of research funding resources, and promote inclusion of caregivers.

Download the action plan here
3 interesting reads
  1. Promoveer personeel niet op basis van vooroordelen (,15 januari 2023)
  2. Promovendi hebben onafhankelijke ombudsman hard nodig' - ScienceGuide - January 30, 2023 (in Dutch)
  3. Technologie kan ongelijkheid verkleinen, maar ook vergroten’ - De Ingineur - 15 February 2023 (in Dutch)
Empower, Promote & Upskill The Careers Of Women In Tech 
Tuesday 21 March 2023  
0.8.30 - 17.00
Location - London
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