Save-the-date 2023 International Women's Day
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Newsletter December 2022
In this newsletter you can read about our new DEWIS Chairperson, Professor Zofia Lukszo, an interview with Professor Michiel Kreutzer, Department head at the faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, the LNVH Women Professors Monitor 2022, the 2023 International Women's Day and other upcoming events. 
Zofia Lukszo new DEWIS Chair
We are very happy to announce that our board member, Zofia Lukszo, Professor in Smart Energy Systems at the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, has accepted to be our new DEWIS Chair. Zofia has been a valued DEWIS board member since 2019. Zofia has a clear vision when it comes to gender equality at the TU Delft: to be the best university in the Netherlands, the Best-in-Class, and to be an example for other universities. Together with our newly formed sounding board, 22 members in different positions from all faculties and the other three board members, Zofia will work on our main goal: to ensure that women have full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in our university. In the new year we will talk to Zofia more extensive about her vision regarding gender equality and diversity, her ambitions and the role of women in science, so keep an eye open for our next newsletter. 

When people choose to have a family and therefore take on caring responsibilities, the university should take that into account in the career structure. … Female and male role models are also very important in this respect, i.e. women who balance having children with their careers, as well as men who also take on parenting roles at home. But again, it is not only the institution which has a responsibility here, but also society as a whole.
  - Michiel Kreutzer  
Department Heads talk about gender diversity: an interview with Michiel Kreutzer
What can we learn from our colleagues regarding the role of women in science? In a series of interviews our Department heads share their views on gender diversity, equality and inclusion. What are their thoughts, ideas and actions on creating diverse and inclusive working environments? Today we are talking to Professor Michiel Kreutzer, head of the Department of Architectural Engineering & Technology at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment.  

Michiel: "Our approach is double: from equity and from diversity comes better science."

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Anna Lukina 2022 DEWIS Award Winner. All nominees exceptional!
The 2022 DEWIS Award Winner is Anna Lukina, Assistant Professor at the faculty of EEMCS, who created the mentorship program Future Female Faculty( F+cube). Actually, all the candidates were exceptional and they were all winners. Csilla Buiting-Csikós was awarded a shared second place for her gender related work at QuTech (Applied Sciences). She shared this place with Axelle Viré and Sofia Teixeira de Freitas, who were awarded for their initiative to propose a Parental Fund for scientific staff at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering. 

Read an interview with Anna Lukina here (Source: Delta)

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The Delft Technology Fellowship is a great opportunity. In combination with F+Cube, we can create a better environment for everyone, even within just a few years.
  - Anna Lukina  
Presentations available -
2022 DEWIS Symposium
The 2022 DEWIS Symposium ‘Gendered and Inclusive Research and Innovation (GIRI) in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)’ took place on 14 November 2022. Carmen Leicht-Scholten (RWTH Aachen University), Mara Tanelli (Politecnico Milano), David Abbink (TU Delft) and Claudia Werker (TU Delft) shared their ideas on GIRI in STEM with the audience.
The presentations of the speakers are available now. 

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LNVH presents the 2022 Women Professors Monitor
The National Network of Women Professors (LNVH) is sounding the alarm bell, because of the lowest growth percentage of women professors in past five year. Although the TU Delft placed itself again in the last place, with 18% women full professors, there is positive news. The pipeline is filling. The proportion of women assistant professors (from 26% in 2015 to 34% in 2022) and associate professors (from 17% in 2015 to 24% in 2022) has been growing significantly, because of the effort put into a more unbiased and equitable hiring policy. Still work needs to done. Besides attracting excellent women, a focus on the advancement and the retaining of women academics at TU Delft is needed, so we can move to a gender diverse university with equal opportunities for everyone. 

Download the 2022 Women Professors Monitor here.

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Lookback Virtual Coffee (09) 
On 15 December, we had our last DEWIS Virtual Coffee of this year, with a presentation from Jennifer Heemstra, Professor of Chemistry and Chair at Washington University, St. Louis. We talked about how we can get from a fixed mindset, where you are driven by the desire to appear intelligent, to a growth mindset, where you are driven by the desire to learn and improve. Read more about this in the book ‘Mindset’ from Carol Dweck. Here are a few takeaways:
  • Failure is not the goal, but rather developing comfort with the possibility of failure can lead us toward success.
  • We can recognize and change the thought patterns that fuel our self-doubt and fear of failure.
  • Our thoughts about failure and intelligence impact the success of those we teach and mentor.
  • When we do fail, we can still learn and grow from the experience and it may just fuel future success.

Download the full presentation here.
Thank for your contributions and we hope to see you at our networking New Year's Virtual Coffee (10) on 15 January, 12.45-13.30 hr

Delft Women’s Conversations: Sharing Experiences about academic life at Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Join the DEWIS Round Table conversations about career advancement, working conditions and gender bias in academia with your fellow female scientists.

Who   : All women scientists from the faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Where: CEG-Instruction Room 2.02
When : 12 January, 12:45 - 13:45
more information aND REGISTRATION
Save-the-Date 2023 International Women's Day

8 March 2023

Embrace Equity 

On Wednesday 8 March, we celebrate 2023 International Women's Day as a university. International Women's Day is a day when women are recognized for their achievements without regard to divisions, whether national, ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic or political. It is a perfect moment to come together with all the people that make up our university and celebrate diversity and embrace equity. 

How can each one of us actively support and embrace equity within our own sphere of influence?
How can we challenge gender stereotypes, call out discrimination, draw attention to bias, and seek out inclusion? Everyone everywhere can play a part. Collectively, we can all forge positive change.

Please make sure to reserve Wednesday 8 March in your dairy. Share the passion and excitement that comes from valuing and supporting difference. Reflect on how we can all be part of the solution, not the problem.

You are kindly invited to attend the DEWIS programme in the afternoon, with an introduction by Professor Rob Mudde, an 'Omdenken Show', a panel discussion and some beautiful music. 

The full programme and registration details will follow shortly. 
3 interesting reads

  1. Dismantling barriers faced by women in STEM - Nature Chemistry - October 27, 2022
  2. Een goede onderzoeker maakt op de universiteit nog geen goede leidinggevende - Trouw - November 2, 2022 (in Dutch)
  3. Casualisation in Dutch Academia. Testimonials from the Margins - Casual Academy - November 16, 2022
Happy Holidays!
The Office will be closed from 24 December until 6 January 2023.

The DEWIS board wishes everybody a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
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