Save-the-date: Spring networking event 31 May
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Presentation by Marien van der Meer, Exectutive Board
Audience Theater Lecture 

Perfectionistic? Sometimes we need to decide, even on a 80% basis
  - Marien van der Meer, Executive Board  
First International Women’s Day Succesful!
On Tuesday 8 March 2022, we celebrated our first International Women’s Day at TU Delft! We are very grateful for the support of the Executive Board who send all employees an email to remind us of this important day, on which we celebrated women’s achievements, also at TU Delft. Marien van der Meer opened our first event with a great presentation on female leadership. During the theater lecture about the ‘imposter syndrome’ by Vreneli Stadelmair we had a lot of fun and experienced true solidarity! In the afternoon we talked with a panel about emphatic listening, inclusive leadership and the importance of networks. Take a look back in the photo collage.

We are very happy to have started this very important tradition of celebrating women’s achievements and contributions and talk about the importance of gender equality at TU Delft. 
We hope to see you and your colleagues next year!
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Podcast Women in Science

LNVH chair Prof. Hanneke Takkenberg was a guest in the International Women's Day podcast by DEWIS. She discussed the importance of gender equality and solidarity in academia with DEWIS board member Prof. Zofia Lukszo.
listen here
In the Spotlight: Prof. Chiara Bisagni 
Professor Chiara Bisagni has recently been appointed ‘Cavaliere’ (Knight) in the Order of the Star of Italy by the president of Italy, Sergio Mattarella, because of her work in the Scientific Committee of the Italian Embassy in the Netherlands and her activities to stimulate collaboration between Italy and the Netherlands. She is also considered a model here for her work to promote diversity, equity and inclusion, especially with regard to female participation in engineering faculties and, in general, in scientific research.” 
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Department Heads talk about gender diversity: an interview with Kofi Makinwa
What can we learn from our colleagues regarding the role of women in science? In a series of interviews our Department Heads share their views on gender diversity, equality and inclusion. What are their thoughts, ideas and actions on creating diverse and inclusive working environments? Today we are talking to Kofi Makinwa, Professor in Electronic Instrumentation, and head of the Microelectronics Department in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & Computer Science.
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Look back DEWIS Virtual Coffee February 
Thanks to all the participants of the last DEWIS (online) Coffee Meeting! We had a great discussion and reflection about challenges and benefits of remote working during the Pandemic. It was nice to see that in the end, despite being a hard time for everyone we all were able to go through the challenge and grow stronger than before. We are all strong resilient women of science! In conclusion we all agreed that we need to create a network of support and being supporters for each other, always asking your peers and colleagues how they feel and offer your help. 

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Let us know: Do we continue organizing Virtual Coffees?
Although the COVID-19 restrictions have thankfully been lifted, we would like to ask if you would like us to continue organizing online networking events. The new hybrid way of working has created opportunities and online events can have low thresholds in certain aspects, such as less travel time.
We will organize face-to-face networking events, but please let us know if you would like us to continue organizing online events, such as our online Virtual Coffees. 
NWO Domain Science Prizes 2022: nominate your candidates now!
The aim of the prizes is to reward scientists who make an outstanding contribution in these areas and inspire others to do the same. All disciplines within the physical and natural sciences are eligible. Nominations can be made until 16 June, 2022, 14:00 CEST.

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Framework dealing with ‘hot moments’ in class
With the insights and examples in this framework, researchers aim to provide teachers with knowledge, recognition and encouragement, and some ways to deal with hot moments. A ‘hot moment’ is an emotion-laden moment of conflict or tension that threatens to derail teaching and learning. Hot moments can occur when divergent opinions collide, views are aggressively voiced, or nuanced understanding is lacking. To support teachers in tackling them, the researchers have drawn up a framework that offers insights and guidelines to teachers in higher education. 

find the framework here
4 interesting reads
Hybrid working | at home and on campus
Starting on 23 March 2022, almost all of the coronavirus restrictions will be a thing of the past. As part of this, the government has also scrapped its advice on working from home. However, for TU Delft, this does not mean that working on campus for the whole week has to become the norm again. TU Delft aims to be a campus university and to encourage hybrid working, i.e. partly at home and partly on campus. At TU Delft, we are moving towards a hybrid working environment. Read on the intranet what services and structures are available to guide you through this process. 
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Mentoring program
The DEWIS Mentoring Program is designed to support the career progression and development of female academic staff. The program facilitates mentoring relationships which provide women with opportunities to reflect on and grow their leadership capabilities, build professional skills and more effectively navigate TU Delft. It provides an opportunity for women to interact and learn from other colleagues in a one-on-one relationship.We encourage anyone interested in growing professionally and personally to join the DEWIS Mentoring Program.

Also read about the benefits of becoming a mentor. We are always looking for new mentors!
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Save-the-date: Spring networking Dinner
Save-the-date for our Spring Networking Diner on 31 May 2022, 18.00 - 21.00 hrs. Location: Delft.

More information and the invitation will follow. 
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